great books about relationships scattered on a table

8 Great Books About Relationships

Great books about relationships can seem hard to find because there are a lot of mediocre or even downright bad ones. These books were recommended to us by people that we trust, and Bennett and I have read each of them at least once, and several of them multiple times. Read on for our book recommendations and what we think makes them great.



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What makes a book a great book about relationships?

Anyone can say that a book is great, but what defines that for us? When we go to read a book, if it hasn’t been suggested by someone that we trust and knows what are standards are, then these are the two questions we ask as we read them.


  1. Does it have an underlying understanding that Christ is the standard and the foundation of a good relationship?
  2. Does it bring Godly conviction and/or encouragement, without compromising truth for feelings?


relationship books in front of a drawing of sketched hands next to a vase


Great Books about Relationships with our family:

We chose these books because they help to reframe our focus and priorities. Bennett and I have both recognized that when we take the time to evaluate our priorities and refocus our daily living, our family benefits as a whole.


Ordering Your Private World

The Common Rule – this book inspired Bennett to have our family practice a Sabbath rest. 


Great books about Relationships with our spouse:

When we got married, a friend gave me the book Creative Counterpart. This book is for wives and was incredibly encouraging, convicting, and motivating. It’s one that I reread and get something new out of each time.

Creative Counterpart

Bennett spent a lot of time looking for a book about how to be a Godly husband and leader of our home. This book is one he recommends regularly. It touches on all aspects of being a Godly man, which in turn, helps in your role as husband and leader. It also is what inspired Bennett to lead us in weekly family meetings.

The Exemplary Husband


Great books about relationships with our kids:

Raising children is a blessing and an adventure. It can also be frustrating, exhausting, and terrifying. We want a strong and healthy relationship with our kids so that we can raise them to be mature and responsible adults who have a healthy relationship with God. If you need some ideas for things to do with your kids, check out what we’ve written about here!


Hero – This book is for Dads. I did read it too though, and that helped me to have a better idea of how to encourage Bennett in his role as father.

M is for Mama – This book is another convicting and encouraging book. Don’t let the title fool you, it’s about so much more than being a mom. It encourages and equips moms to be the intentional, Godly mom that they are called to be.


Great books about our relationship with God:

Our relationship with God is the most important one. If we are not growing in our relationship and understanding of Him, than we may coast for a while, but everything else will eventually start to whither.

We believe that the only book that you need to build to your relationship with God is His word, the Bible. If you only have time to read a little bit each day, ignore all other books and focus on the Bible. It is all we need.

That being said, if you have extra time, these books have influenced our spiritual walk and relationship with Christ.


Mere Christianity – This book is incredible. If you haven’t heard of it, or haven’t read it, do it! C.S. Lewis, the man behind the Chronicles of Narnia, wrote it.

Hard is Not the Same As Bad – This one is probably technically a parenting book, but for me, it’s grown my relationship with God and helped me to be more grateful and prayerful about the hard things in life.


I know that there are so many more great books about relationships than just these eight. Right now though, these are the ones that are touching our lives the most. So, have you read any of these books? Or do you have one that you would recommend?


Save it for later!


6 thoughts on “8 Great Books About Relationships”

  1. I love M is for Mama! “Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love” by Edward Sri (he is explaining Pope John Paul II’s encyclical love and responsibility) is sooooo good!!!! So many truth bombs about marriage, love, friendship! I highly recommend.

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